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A native, styled table element.
Product Color Quantity
Apple Green 2
Banana Yellow 3
Total 2
import { Table } from 'fulldev-ui'

Product Color Quantity
Apple Green 2
Banana Yellow 3
Total 5
import { Table } from 'fulldev-ui'
header={['Product', 'Color', 'Quantity']}
['Apple', 'Green', '2'],
['Banana', 'Yellow', '3'],
footer={[{ text: 'Total', colspan: '2' }, '5']}


The Table component exists of multiple sub-components. Each sub-component has its own set of props.


Prop Type Default
header string[] -
body string[][] -
footer string[] -
size sm | md | lg -
color base | brand -
scheme light | dark -
text string -
html string -
HTML Attributes HTMLAttributes<table> -


Prop Type Default
cells string -
HTML Attributes HTMLAttributes<thead> -


Prop Type Default
rows string[] -
HTML Attributes HTMLAttributes<tbody> -


Prop Type Default
cells string[] -
HTML Attributes HTMLAttributes<tr> -


Prop Type Default
text string -
html string -
HTML Attributes HTMLAttributes<td> -


Prop Type Default
cells string[] -
HTML Attributes HTMLAttributes<tfoot> -



The size prop cascades: it is inherited from the parent and it is applied to all children.

Product Quantity
Apple 2
Product Quantity
Apple 2
Product Quantity
Apple 2
import { Table } from 'fulldev-ui'
const table = {
header: ['Product', 'Quantity'],
body: [['Apple', '2']],
<Table size="sm" {...table} />
<Table size="md" {...table} />
<Table size="lg" {...table} />

Props vs slots

<TableHeader cells={['First Name', 'Last Name', 'Age']} />
<TableRow cells={['John', 'Doe', '31']} />
<TableRow cells={['Jane', 'Doe', '29']} />
<TableFooter cells={[{ text: 'Total', colspan: '2' }, '2']} />

instead of creating each row with a TableRow component, you can use the rows prop in the TableBody component.

['John', 'Doe', '31'],
['Jane', 'Doe', '29'],