The quick brown fox jumps
import Heading from 'fulldev-ui/components/Heading.astro'
<Heading>The quick brown fox jumps</Heading>
Please reference src/components/Heading.astro for now.
The quick brown fox jumps
The quick brown fox jumps
The quick brown fox jumps
The quick brown fox jumps
The quick brown fox jumps
The quick brown fox jumps
The quick brown fox jumps
The quick brown fox jumps
The quick brown fox jumps
The quick brown fox jumps
import Heading from 'fulldev-ui/components/Heading.astro'
<Heading size="6xl">The quick brown fox jumps</Heading>
<Heading size="5xl">The quick brown fox jumps</Heading>
<Heading size="4xl">The quick brown fox jumps</Heading>
<Heading size="3xl">The quick brown fox jumps</Heading>
<Heading size="2xl">The quick brown fox jumps</Heading>
<Heading size="xl">The quick brown fox jumps</Heading>
<Heading size="lg">The quick brown fox jumps</Heading>
<Heading size="md">The quick brown fox jumps</Heading>
<Heading size="sm">The quick brown fox jumps</Heading>
<Heading size="xs">The quick brown fox jumps</Heading>
The quick brown fox jumps
import Heading from 'fulldev-ui/components/Heading.astro'
<Heading text="The quick brown fox jumps" />