Ready to use blocks and page building.
A utility component for displaying multiple badges.
A utility component for displaying multiple buttons.
A utility component for displaying multiple channels.
A wrapper around the Astro Image component with conditional rendering.
A utility component for displaying multiple links.
A utility component for displaying multiple socials.
Customize styles and components.
Compatible with all JS and CSS frameworks.
Everything you need to rapidly build content-driven websites. Components, blocks, layouts and complete page generation.
For documentation pages, just like this one.
For marketing pages, just like the home page.
Go a step further than just using components.
Build consistent blocks and layouts with structures.
A box with a border, padding and rounded corners
Enhanced code component with live preview.
Sets a max-width, padding and centers the content
A panel that slides out from the side of the screen
Group buttons and similar components
Sets a head, body and some base styles
Places items like cards in a masonry layout
Places items like cards in a grid
A box with a border, padding and rounded corners used for sections
Applies styling to child components
Sets vertical padding and some base styles
Places items like cards in a horizontal or vertical stack
Applies styling to child components, similar to Prose
Make websites rapidly with pre-built components and blocks.
Please reference src/structures/Drawer.astro for now.
Please reference the Header blocks for examples on how to use the wrapper components.